


Type:  Valve Positioner

Model:  73N-FR


Features & Benefits

  • Single-axis, force-balance principle of operation, ensures accurate and stable positioning
  • Feedback ciscuits direct the actuator’s position, ensuring adherence to the control instrument signal
  • Range spring capability accomodates a wide variety of valve strokes and instrument spans


Description Details  VALVE POSITIONER MODEL 73N-FR

The Series 73 Buill-,n Valve Posilioners use Ihe full force of their air supply 10 drive and maintain the piston or diaphragm In a pneumatic actuator to position a valve to what is required by a control instrument. regardless of the presence of forces that change valve position.

This line of compac1 insIrumenIs incorporates a single-axis. force-balance principle of operation 10 ensure accurate and stable control valve positioning. In all cases. including bottom-loading applications. a Model 73 Built-In Valve Positioner is mounled directty on the topwork of the valve, with no external levers or other exposed mechanisms.

Each positioner receives a signal from a control instnJment.and using an air supply as high as 100 psig. the positioner strokes the valve actuator to the required position.

Like all valve positioners. the Model 73 Built-In Valve Positioners have feedback circuits designed to measure the posilion of the actuator’s piston or diaphragm. The posilioner then supplies or exhausts air to bring the actuator within the required range for its corresponding control instrument.

The position of the piston or diaphragm in the valve actuator is sensed by the amount of compressive f0<ce exerted by a range spring on the valve positioner’s diaphragm assembly. By selecting the appropriate range spring from the wide selection available almost any combination of valve suoke (from 1/4. 10 4′) ancl lnstrumem span (from 2 10 24 psi) can be obtained.